# ar.io SDK Changelog

# Overview

Welcome to the documentation page for the ar.io SDK release notes. Here, you will find detailed information about each version of the ar.io SDK, including the enhancements, bug fixes, and any other changes introduced in every release. This page serves as a comprehensive resource to keep you informed about the latest developments and updates in the ar.io SDK. For those interested in exploring the source code, each release's code is readily accessible at our GitHub repository: ar.io SDK change logs (opens new window). Stay updated with the continuous improvements and advancements in the ar.io SDK by referring to this page for all release-related information.

# 3.0.0 (opens new window) (2024-12-10)

# Bug Fixes

# Features


  • ARIO token: All exported IO and IOToken are now replaced with ARIO and ARIOToken respectively


# 2.6.0 (opens new window) (2024-12-05)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 2.6.0-alpha.4 (opens new window) (2024-12-05)

# Features

# 2.6.0-alpha.3 (opens new window) (2024-12-05)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.6.0-alpha.2 (opens new window) (2024-12-02)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.5.5 (opens new window) (2024-11-28)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.5.4 (opens new window) (2024-11-28)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.5.3 (opens new window) (2024-11-27)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.5.2 (opens new window) (2024-11-25)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.5.1 (opens new window) (2024-11-22)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.5.0 (opens new window) (2024-11-22)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 2.4.0 (opens new window) (2024-11-12)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 2.3.2 (opens new window) (2024-10-16)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.3.1 (opens new window) (2024-10-09)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.3.0 (opens new window) (2024-10-08)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 2.2.5 (opens new window) (2024-09-26)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.2.4 (opens new window) (2024-09-26)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.2.3 (opens new window) (2024-09-25)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.2.2 (opens new window) (2024-09-23)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.2.1 (opens new window) (2024-09-16)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.2.0 (opens new window) (2024-08-30)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 2.1.0 (opens new window) (2024-08-07)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 2.0.2 (opens new window) (2024-07-12)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.0.1 (opens new window) (2024-07-11)

# Bug Fixes

# 2.0.0 (opens new window) (2024-07-11)

# Bug Fixes

# Features


  • deps: removes all smartweave implementations using warp-sdk. The result is an only AO compatible ANT and IO network contracts. Some utilities are preserved due to their usefulness.
  • imports: modifies web named exports to provide esm and cjs exports instead of minified bundle. The web bundle was causing issues in bundled projects, and polyfills are no longer provided by default. Refer to the README (opens new window) for specifications on how to use the SDK for a web project.

# 1.2.2 (opens new window) (2024-07-11)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.2.1 (opens new window) (2024-07-04)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.2.0 (opens new window) (2024-07-03)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 1.1.1 (opens new window) (2024-06-06)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.1.0 (opens new window) (2024-06-03)

# Bug Fixes

# Features

# 1.0.8 (opens new window) (2024-05-29)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.7 (opens new window) (2024-05-23)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.6 (opens new window) (2024-05-07)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.5 (opens new window) (2024-05-02)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.4 (opens new window) (2024-04-30)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.3 (opens new window) (2024-04-26)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.2 (opens new window) (2024-04-25)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.1 (opens new window) (2024-04-23)

# Bug Fixes

# 1.0.0 (2024-04-23)

# Bug Fixes

# Features