The various nodes on the Network, known as Gateways, are the interface between users and data stored on Arweave. Each Gateway acts like a “Permaweb Service Provider” and supports multiple value-adding ...
The Arweave Name System is a decentralized registry of friendly names for Arweave transactions. is a portal for everything ArNS. Purchase, search, and manage ArNS names and under_names ...
With the launch of Arweave, developers have discovered new ways to use permanent data beyond what cloud and centralized storage typically allow. Here are five advantages that come from developing on Arweave ...
We’re taking a major step towards realizing that mission: the release of a scalable and modular gateway source code package under an open AGPL3.0 license! Open source is more than just a licensing model - it's a pillar of decentralized and permissionless infrastructure.
As Arweave grows in use and awareness it will likely become known for what it truly is: a zero-to-one invention. It is has given the world something that it had never known - permanent data storage. But a problem remains: how do you get these files from Arweave in 200 years ... is a community; a decentralized network of gateway nodes; a protocol to facilitate indexing, sharing, and serving of permaweb data; and a currency to align network incentives and promote ecosystem health, the IO Token. The AR.IO network has benefits ...
The world produces an overwhelming amount of digital data each day. For instance, it is estimated that 1.1 trillion MBs of data is uploaded to the internet every day. While that number is difficult to comprehend, it is easier to look at our own lives and see how many ...
Arweave has a lot under the hood. At its core, Arweave is a global hard drive that never forgets. Supported by a decentralized network and incentivized by a token (AR), it provides storage for any type of file permanently and sustainably with a single upfront payment ...
The permaweb stands for the permanent web, a collection of all the webpages, apps, and files stored on top of the Arweave network. It is similar in feel and use of the current internet except that everything uploaded to it remains permanent and cannot be deleted ...
Gateways play a crucial role, not only in The AR.IO Network, but within the entire Arweave ecosystem. Along with the protocol itself, gateways are considered to be one of the most significant pieces of infrastructure required for building a strong community ...