Friendly Names for the permaweb
The Arweave Name System is a simple way to name and find things stored on the permaweb. It's a smart contract based system that helps you find your data, apps, or websites on Arweave easily.
Arweave for the Masses
Arweave data transaction IDs have become human readable.
- Human Readable.
- Arweave transaction IDs are 43 case sensitive characters long, impossible to remember. ArNS matches that transaction ID to a friendly name in a decentralized way.
- Ownable Subdomains.
- Each ArNS name is given a token which provides ownership & allows it to be resold like an NFT.
- Multiple Top Level Domains (TLDs).
- ArNS Subdomains resolve through any ar.io gateway. This means that your ArNS is resolvable by multiple gateways; (TL;DR, TLDs are awesome).

Key Features
Benefits to using ArNS.
- Easier to remember.
- ArNS makes it easy to find things on the permaweb by using short and easy-to-remember names instead of long and hard-to-remember addresses.
- A permanent record (immutably timestamped).
- ArNS keeps a perfect record of all addresses and names, making it easy to find things from the past. The permaweb enables anybody to look back on data, websites, and applications exactly as they were published.
- SEO optimized.
- ArNS makes permaweb addresses look more professional in Google search results by allowing them to be found through multiple websites and subdomains.

What is an ANT?
Arweave Name Tokens (ANTs) are used to establish ownership of a name in the ArNS Registry. ANTs are unique, tradeable SmartWeave tokens that give their owners the ability to set under_names (subdomains), assign a controller, and update where the ANT points.